Friday, March 30, 2012

Anamina (Mina) Behkit

Created March 2012

Anamina Behkit was born on the 14th of Jelune in 2841 Mn in Theb. She is the youngest of nine children (and is 10 years younger than her next eldest sibling), and the only daughter. Her birth was unexpected and inconvenient for her parents, who had no interest in more children, especially not daughters. Throughout her childhood, she was well provided for, but her parents were emotionally distant. Her mother was not interested in the maternal aspects of raising a daughter, so the majority of her care was provided by an elderly house slave, Narah. The nurse worshipped Cealera and frightened Ana as a child with tales of her evil twin, Necromar. Though she has grown up and studied the gods in depth, she still fears the goddess of lies, and finds it very difficult to tell a lie herself. Word of the goddess’ supposed appearance has only made this worse.

Her family took refuge in an oasis during Khaost, and was one of the first to resettle Theb when the dust settled. Their early presence in the resettled Theb gained them a secure spot amongst the city’s aristocracy. Her forefathers are known for being as practical and honorable as they are power hungry and ambitious. Her father is a large and powerful man, physically and in influence. All eight of her brothers were trained in combat and well respected (and feared) in the community. She is not close with any of her brothers due to the age difference and the fact that most of them had their own wives and families to attend to by the time she could walk.

Mina does not know where her family’s wealth comes from and her parents evade any questions she poses. She suspects they are involved in some sort of organized crime (and she is correct), but has no proof, or even a strong moral argument against it. Someone must be in power, why not them?

Mina’s parents seemed unsure of what to do with her until a friend of her mother’s noticed Mina’s magical potential and urged them to send her to school to be trained in magery. She was a bright and adept student and at last her parents saw purpose for her. She was initially only interested in Pyromancy, but her father urged her to learn Biomancy as well, thinking how useful it would be to have a powerful healer at hand.

Her lack of compassion is unusual for a healer, and she will not heal someone simply for the sake of doing so. Her father’s cold practicality appears to be genetic, as does his ambitious nature. Mina is an avid reader and has obviously learned of Zmar Arixmy in the course of her studies, and has come to admire him above all. When whispers of his continued existence reached Theb, she became desperate to find him and beg to be his apprentice. 

Mina is reasonably pretty, though extremely small. She typically wears light weight white robes, though she does carry one pale blue robe for special occasions. Her thick, wavy black hair is usually pulled into two tight braids, making her look even younger than she actually is. She wears her hair this way simply because she never learned to do one braid down her back on her own (the way Narah used to do for her) and Mina has singed her own hair often enough with her spells to know better than to let it hang loose. Several dainty gold bangles adorn each of her wrists.

She is left handed, so she carries a staff in her right hand that was presented to her on her 11th birthday. It is made of highly polished, blackened wood and features an amber crystal the size of her fist at the end that serves as her mana filter. Her youngest brother, Ahmet, taught her some basics about how to use it in combat.

In Theb, she was more sought after by suitors for her family's power than her looks. Knowing her father would never agree to let her pursue Arixmy, she was able to convince a hopeful suitor, Amsi Maysi, a foolish young son of another aristocrat, to help her secure a job on a ship that his family had ties to. She promised to marry him upon her return, though she has no romantic interest in him whatsoever. Her father had urged her to consider him in the past, so if she returns to Theb she will almost certainly have to wed him.
White Robes x 2
Light Blue Dress Robes
Educated (Very Educated) Level 2
Hard to Kill Level 2
Hard to Subdue Level 1
Magery - Pyromancy Level 1
Magery - Biomancy Level 1
Skinny: -2 ST vs Knockback, -2 Disguise, -2 Shadowing through a crowd. HT may not be more than 14
Detect Magic
Bolide Barrage
Fire Bolt
Fire Ball
Cure Affliction
Cure Poison
Cure Disease
- Pick up Fit (5)
- Possibly pick up Very Fit (15) if FP used for healing spells would be at the decreased cost
- Combat Reflexes (15)
- Increase Pyromancy levels (5/level)
- Increase HT
- Increase FP

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